We stop in Scipio to see a baby zebra which is our halfway pit stop to st george even though it's only about an hour into the four hour trip
We have random pictures of these baby birds
We cuddled with this puppy when we were in Jamaica even though it had probably never been bathed and had fleas(Gross i know!!!)
We loved and put up with Moe who would scratch and paw at you until you would pet her and as soon as you started petting her she would scratch and bite you so you would stop (I'm sure she is much happier in kitty paradise with our Heavenly Father)
Because we not only do we love these two dogs, that my parents have, but we let them sleep with us on the couch when we go to visit
Because this face was kept in our little townhouse for 7 months and during that time he destroyed countless items including but not limited to a dishwasher, a couch, a couple pairs of shoes, a coffe table, an entire bag of the cheap fruit loops, a weeks worth of doggie pain meds(which I then had to make him puke up) and many other well beloved items.
This is another of the great reasons why you can see that our infatuation with animals borderlines on obsession. Not only does he think the tent is all his but he believes that out bed, our laps, and our cars are there solely for the purpose of his delight.
To complete the obsession we had to have our very own animals that lived at our house so we are now the proud owners of a cat named Chloe and a beagle named Bailey.
They are awesome and we love them tons. I'm sure you will be seeing lots more of them throughout my random posts because they are and will be an integral part of our lives. While else do we have obsessions right?
We are animal suckers...I mean lovers aren't we. I think you and Lexi both come by it naturally. It must be inherited.